Congratulations to the following cadets on their promotions, course certificates and awards!:
LAC Baht LAC Okeeweehow, L LAC Okeeweehow, DCpl Dreaver Cpl Bamford Cpl SokalofskyFCpl Tran FCpl Derow FCpl Wolfe FCpl Snow-Van De Wiele FCpl FisherSgt Parker Sgt Zentner Sgt StroederFSgt Palmer FSgt Supel FSgt Akinwale FSgt Cayari
Course Certificates:
Military Band - Intermediate Musician
FSgt Akinwale
Basic Drill and Ceremonial
FCpl Derow Cpl Mackie
Provincial Biathlon Championships 2016/17 - Senior Female Team - Silver Medal
FSgt Supel
Posted in News on Oct 03, 2017.