Image depicting Stephen Snider
Stephen Snider Chairperson
Image depicting Blair Newell
Blair Newell Vice Chair
Image depicting Tara Johnston
Tara Johnston Treasurer
Image depicting Meghan Tysowski
Meghan Tysowski Secretary
Image depicting Judy Mackie
Judy Mackie Fundraising Coordinator
Image depicting Ian Tysowski
Ian Tysowski Saskadet Parent Coordinator
Image depicting Savannah Alary
Savannah Alary Parent Screening Coordinator
Image depicting Curtis Bousfield
Curtis Bousfield Air Cadet League Representative

Just like any other non profit organization, volunteers are need to make it work. As a parent of a cadet you are automatically a member of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee. The committee meets the first Monday of each month at the Armouries in the Officers Mess. Please come out and join in the activities behind the scenes.


The Air Cadet program is free for the basic training, as DND (Department of National Defense) pays for the following:

The Squadron Sponsoring Committee looks after the extra expenses such as:

Why we Fundraise?

We fundraise to add to the basic training course to give the cadets a bit extra fun to their training. We also supplement their meals at Saskadet so they are not eating MREs all weekend long.

How much do we need to Fundraise?

In our squadron, we need to fundraise approximately $20K to pay for all the extras we provide for the cadets and officers in a training year.

How do we Fundraise?

We offer many different options throughout the cadet year (September to May) to try to engage all people’s interest.  We are looking for more options that may entice the different interests of cadets and families.

We do collect donations or corporate sponsorships to assist in our funding. Tax receipts are available upon request.

SARCAN Account:

The sponsoring committee has a Sarcan account now.
Our account number is 990008122
Group Name is 34 Roland J. Groome Squadron Sponsoring Committee.
Group phrase is 34 Roland J. Groome
