It's time to celebrate!  This time of year is traditional in many cultures and countries for celebrating.....something!  Whether it be Christmas, or Kwanzaa, or Winter Soltice, or Yule or Festivus or Chanukah or Ramadan or Saturnalia--you probably have dress or headwear or jewelry or something else that holds the meaning for that special time of year for you.   Please wear or bring that special something on Monday, the 21st for our Last parade of the year. If you don't really have anything special to wear or bring,  consider finding that "ugly Christmas sweater " in the closet and dragging it out for this occasion.  Pretty well anything goes!!  Let's see how creative we can be!
We can share our traditions and stories.
There will be activities planned for the whole evening, finished off of course by .....refreshments!
Parents, please bring goodies!  Not too many- Quality not Quantity!! The Parent Committee will supply drinks.

Posted in News on Dec 17, 2015.