Parents, Guardians, and Cadets,

The Squadron has received approval to resume some in-person cadet activities at the Regina Armoury.   At this time, it is our plan to try a hybrid training model. Each week there will be a different group of cadets identified to conduct their training at the armouries.  The remainder of the cadets will still have virtual activities at the same time.

The cadet groups will respect the number limitations prescribed by the Saskatchewan Health Authority. They will be grouped according to their levels however it is anticipated that some levels will be broken down into multiple cohorts due to the number of cadets we have.

Please note that there is no obligation for the cadets to participate in the in-person activities. We do understand that there may be health and safety concerns that impact people. Please refer to the attached letter.  Cadets who do not participate in the in-person activities will not be penalized for their decision.

We have put in place several preventative measures in efforts to minimize the risks to both cadets and staff:

1) Cadets will need to RSVP when they are invited to participate in in-person training. Those cadets identified to attend in person activities will receive an individual e-mail invitation.

2) All staff and cadets will be required to wear NMM. Cadets should arrive with personal NMM and then will be issued DND supplied NMMs. These will be issued to the cadets upon attending their first in-person event.

3) The staff has an in-depth check sheet and disinfecting routine that will be completed prior to the cadet’s arrival at the armoury.

4) Cadets will only be granted access to the armoury at 1900 hrs – prior to that the building will be closed to prepare the site.

5) Prior to attending any in-person training all staff and cadets must complete the Saskatchewan Covid Screening tool (link provided below) to determine whether you should be in attendance for each in person training session.  If any of the questions are answered with a “yes” the person is not to participate in the activity.…/2019…/covid-19-self-assessment

6) Upon arrival at the armoury the cadet will undergo a sign in procedure which will include a review of all the Covid screening questions – cadets will be sent home if they become ill or if they answer affirmatively to any of the screening questions. Please remain at the Armoury until your cadet has been screened and admitted.

7) In-Person cadet activities will run from 1900 hrs to 2015 hrs.  Parents and Guardians should be prepared to pick up their cadets NLT 2015 hrs.

Please note that at this time entrance to the armoury is restricted such that only staff and cadets will be granted access. Parents and Guardians must remain outside of the building.

Capt. Jean Hamm


Commanding  Officer, 34 Roland J. Groome Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

Department of National Defence / Government of Canada

[email protected] / Tel: 306-757-5266 Cell:  306-209-3821


Commandant, 34 Roland J. Groome Corps des Cadets de l’Aviation royale du Canada

Ministère de la Défense Nationale / Gouvernement du Canada

[email protected] / Tel: 306-757-5266 Cel:  306-209-3821


Letter - Medical Information for Parents-signed

Posted in News on Oct 20, 2020.